5 Ways to Declutter: How to do it Effectively

You may be downsizing your home, approaching a big life transition or the kids may just be returning to school: no matter the reason, we know that the need to declutter your life is REAL and the most effective ways to do that aren’t always obvious. We’re here to break that down for you with our top five ways to get started.

Make a List

Take inventory of what you have. Sometimes viewing our belongings in a list format helps us to think logically (rather than emotionally) about what we really need. Make that list, check it twice and then get to work.

Measure Furniture

Pull out your tape measure and get to know your furniture a bit better. Knowing the size of your staple pieces will help you have a quick reference of a space’s potential. Maybe if you move that couch by the window, it’ll free up some storage space elsewhere. EExplore your options.

Focus on One Room at a Time

If you set out to declutter your entire home in one go, you’ll wind up discouraged and overwhelmed quickly. Start with one room and don’t proceed to the next until each space is complete. You’ll thank yourself later.

Sentimental Items? Offer Them to Others

We all know how difficult it can be to throw away a sentimental item. Ready to pass it along but don’t want to toss it? Try offering them to others who share in the memories. It’s a win-win for everyone.

Go Digital

This is our favorite tip of the day. So many of us have music, CD’s or photos that contribute to the majority of clutter in our homes. Thankfully technology allows us to store and consolidate these items. We implore you to invest the time to get these items organized digitally and say goodbye to the physical copies once you’ve done so.

Not your first decluttering “rodeo”? What other pointers do you have? Share them with us in the comments below.


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