5 Garden Herbs to Plant Early Spring

You’re ready to start a bit of gardening in your Riverside at Plumas Ranch home, but you’re not sure where to begin! If you want a sure-fire way to make your cooking sizzle, try fresh herbs! No matter the recipe, a quick sprinkle of cilantro, parsley, or mint can take a dish from “meh” to “marvelous” in no time. Purchasing and storing fresh herbs can sometimes be a hassle, which is why many home cooks have decided to grow their own! Think of the Barefoot Contessa vibes you’ll feel from snipping off your own lemongrass for that Pad Thai! Let’s talk about the best herbs to plant this spring.


If you’re not a fan of cilantro (it is true that some people perceive a soapy flavor from this herb), we weep for you! It’s such a great addition to everything from homemade guacamole to a simple bowl of rice. When in doubt, add cilantro. Once you plant your cilantro, it will spread!


Dill adds a fresh flavor to salads of all kinds – including egg salad and chicken salad. If you’re looking for a potato salad that will be remembered at picnics forever, try some fresh dill. We love it sprinkled over a dip, too!


From pizza to pesto, basil is a home cook’s best friend. When in doubt, just chop it up with some garden fresh tomatoes and mozzarella cheese; all you need is some good vinegar and salt and pepper to sprinkle over the top. Basil is planted close to the top of the soil and thrives in summer, so get started now.

Lemon Balm

As a general principle, you can use lemon balm anywhere you’d reach for mint. It’s also a star in some homeopathic remedies, so read up if you’re into that sort of thing! Try it in some ice water or club soda for a tastier and more natural version of your favorite sparkling water.


The onion’s milder cousin is at home on every plate, whether you’re scrambling eggs or making a fancy roast chicken. Plant some this early spring so it’s available whenever you want it! Just make sure to wait til any frost danger is passed.

Gardening Is For Everyone!

Once you’ve started planting, you’ll find it’s difficult to stop! We see some raised beds and hearty crops in your future. Spending time in the dirt has measurable benefits on mental health; so dig in! Good luck and happy planting!


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