When winter starts to feel as if it will never end, you know it’s time to shake things up a bit. Today we’re doing just that with… you guessed it…. freshly cut stems. Read on for tips and tricks on how to make freshly cut winter/spring blooms look just right in a vase and remind you that Spring is indeed, right around the corner.
Begin by assessing what floral elements you have already available to you and growing in your yard. Have some lovely quince branches budding? Clip and smash the ends of the branches, and place them into a container of warm water. Wait a few days and you’ll start to see those buds open up. These branches will provide great architectural interest within any arrangement.

Next, consider seasonal flowers that will provide plenty of visual appeal with various textures, colors and shapes such as:
- Hellebores
- Protea
- Scabiosa
- Chrysanthemums
- Amaryllis
- White orchids
And if you don’t have access to any of these in your home garden, head on over to the supermarket! Once you have your selection of flowers handy, it’s time to build the arrangement.
Step 1: Always start with your foliage. Begin by building a “base” of foliage in your favorite vase.
Step 2: Utilize all components in odd numbers. Once you’ve established which flowers you’ll be using and the number of each of them, it’s time to move onto the next step: prepping your flowers.
Step 3: Groom and prep your blooms. It’s important to prep your flowers appropriately to maximize your arrangement’s potential but also to maximize the longevity of your blooms. By handling and preparing your stems the right way, you’ll ensure they stay fresh longer and open up beautifully. Remove any petals that are bruised. Give each stem a fresh cut. Remove access foliage on the stem that could fall off into the water.

Step 4: Add a “stand-out” bloom. The goal is to accomplish various textures. Which flower will take center-stage and which flower will play a supporting role? The choice is yours but do keep this in mind.
There you have it! Once assembled your arrangement is ready to adorn any room of your Cresleigh Home and is sure to bring joy in anticipation of Spring.