How to Organize Your Pantry by Zones for Simple, Effective Food Storage

It’s official – you’re loving your new home at Cresleigh Riverside at Plumas Ranch! Now that you’ve unpacked and settled in, it’s time to get to the most pressing organizational challenge ever faced by a homeowner…the pantry (cue dramatic music)! Today, we’ll be giving you some ideas for how to keep your pantry items tidy and easy-to-access. The secret is designating specific zones.

Zone 1: Dry Ingredients

If you’re a baker, here’s where you’ll keep most of your supplies. Dry ingredients include things like salt, sugar, flour, oats, etc. Don’t be afraid to use clear storage containers in this zone! One of the secrets to effective organization is to create standard sizes for all your items. Sure, it takes an extra minute to transfer flour from the paper bag to the storage container, but it keeps things much tidier in the long run!

Zone 2: Quick Meals

Here’s the spot for that box of pasta, cereal, or mac and cheese. Group boxes according to size and make sure all boxes have a label that you can clearly read. If you have teens and tweens at home, it’s especially helpful to have all read-to-eat foods in one spot for easy grabbing!

Zone 3: Last Minute Guests

Sure, there’s plenty of cabinet space in your new home for everyday dishes AND fancy china, but let’s face it – when your BFF’s show up at the last minute, you don’t want to waste any time doing dishes. Keep all the paper goods, cocktail skewers, and left-over table cloths in one spot in the pantry and feel prepared for whatever the weekend brings! Keep a bit of everything on hand – this complete set is also compostable!

Zone 4: Canned Goods

As prices rise, take advantage of some really great recipes that use canned goods; they’re cheaper and last longer. On this shelf, store beans, chickpeas, tomato sauce, and more so you can see all your items at a glance. As you consider meatless meals, check out recipes that mix pantry staples with fresh herbs and veggies to create some mouthwatering options!

Liquids and Oils

It’s a great habit to keep items like chicken broth (sealed) and a variety of oils and vinegars on hand, and keep them together in your pantry so you can quickly and easily access what you need.

Make Sure Everyone Knows the System!

Once you’re organized, post a cheat sheet of zones on the pantry door, and make sure that everyone who lives at home understands the organizational system. It works if you work it!


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